The Revelation is meant to be understood. Such understanding will happen when one becomes familiar with both the background and the context of the book. This lesson is the first of three introductory classes to the book of Revelation – all of which are essential. The PowerPoint slides are included in a PDF (click link above named “Save…
Living in an increasingly secular and pluralistic culture, we have to ask if it is possible to effectively share the gospel with those who live around us each day. The answer might surprise you! Make sure you check out the PPT slides in the attached PDF.
Jesus makes a most challenging statement about discipleship: In the same way, any one of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:33 What does He mean I must give up something? What must I leave in order to follow Him? This lesson helps us to discover how a…
From the beginning God has wanted a relationship with us. He walked in the garden with Adam and Eve. He blessed those who walked with Him. Finally, He showed us how to walk with Him when He sent His Son to this earth. The essence of discipleship is following Jesus so we can…